
제 25회 반도체 대전 SEDEX

October 25 ~ 27 / COEX SEOUL

2023 참가업체 디렉토리


SmartSoC Solutions LLC

Booth No.C119
  • CEOBharath Desareddy / Bharath Desareddy
  • ADDRESS / 13529 # No.430, 117, 4th & 5th Floor, Krafton Tower, 117, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • CONTACTTel. +82 1074997755 / Fax. / URL. www.smartsocs.com
  • 제조품목

    ASIC, SoC Services:

    - Architecture/System Design

    - RTL Design

    - RTl2GDS (Physical Design)

    - Board & FPGA Design

    - Embedded Software

    - Prototype Design

    - Validation & Certification

  • 회사소개

    SmartSoC is a Global, Integrated Hardware and Embedded Technology Partner. At SmartSoC, we provide a platform where 850+ Engineers collaborate to design tomorrow's world with complete support across the product lifecycle. For over half a decade, we have been successfully delivering a range of technology solutions across geographies in US, Europe, India & APAC to world-class organizations.

    We have expertise and experience across the product lifecycle including.


    - Architecture/System Design

    - RTL Design

    - RTl2GDS (Physical Design)

    - Board & FPGA Design

    - Embedded Software

    - Prototype Design

    - Validation & Certification

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